Friday, January 29, 2010
Plasto Wax Wounds
Cut in lip wound. This effect is temporary in nature and not designed to be worn for long periods of time.
Used with effects blood it makes a convincing would, fresh or old.
Special effects set pieces
Life Casting Body Parts in Alginate
Life casting in Alginate, sometimes sold under brand name of SILGINATE. Silginate is a powder derived from kelp and formulated with other propriety ingredients to give a user-friendly, body safe, easy is. (1 to 1 by volume,) temporary mold-making material. Plaster parts are usually cast in Silginate molds. It is also used to custom shrink pats. Gel time 4.5 to 5 minutes.
QUIZ-Class Meeting Two
Week Two
Practice Quiz
Character Effects Burns
1. Describe a 1st degree burn.
2. Describe a 2nd degree burn.
3. Describe a 3rd degree burn.
4. List the make-up tools required to create a 3rd degree burn.
5. Describe the technique used to create a 3rd degree burn.
Character Effect Severe Exposure Frostbite
1. Describe the characteristics of frostbite.
2. List the make up tools required to create frostbite/windburn effect.
3. What is step one of the technique?
4. What is step two of the technique?
5. What is step three of the technique?
6. What is step four of the technique?
7. What is step five of the technique?
Character Effects Dirt
1. List seven types of dirt likely to be incorporated in film production.
2. List the make up tools required to apply these make up mediums.
Character Effects Blood
1. What is a blood pack?
2. How is the blood pack used?
3. Describe one tool to used to splatter blood from a head wound.
4. What safety precautions are employed when using this device?
5. Describe an alternate tool used to create blood splatter from a wound.
6. What is a third alternate tool used to create blood splatter from a wound.
7. What is a strike plate?
8. Describe A B blood.
9. What make up effect(s) is Plasto used to create?
10. What make up effect(s) is Rigid Collodion used to create?
Character Effects Tears
1. List the tools available to the make up effects artist to create tears.
2. Which technique should be used only by a professional make up artist?
3. Which technique is used to make the actor appear to have been crying for a long time?
Character Effects Sweat
1. List the tools used to create sweat.
2. Describe the technique to apply sweat effect on a garment.
Character Effects Body Parts Casting
1. What is the medium used for casting molds of body parts?
2. What are some of the mediums used to create a casting from the mold?
Stunts Fights Breakaway Hand Props Arrows Swords Daggers
1. Describe a breakaway hand prop.
2. What is the material used to create breakaway bottles and glass type items?
3. What is the safest procedure striking another actor with breakaway props?
4. What is the material used to create breakaway chairs and window frames?
5. Describe the method used to stage a fight between two actors,
6. Describe the “hair pull” technique.
7. Describe the use of the strike plate.
8. Describe two types of strike plates.
9. Describe the Sword through the torso technique.
10. Describe the “guided arrow” technique
11. Describe the dagger throw technique.
Atmospheric Effects
1. What is one of the materials used to create falling snow?
2. How is snow slit to best show it in the scene (night shot)?
3. What is poly sorb used to create?
The Bolex has a shutter speed of 1/65th of a second.
The Arri-s has a shutter speed of 1/50th of a second.
The digital cameras used in class have white balance and exposure controls.
The Bolex & the Arri-S hold 100 feet of film internally and 400 feet in magazines.
The Bolex is spring driven requiring no battery.
The Arri-S is battery driven.
The Bolex used “C-mount” lenses.
The Arri-S uses “Arri-mount” lenses.
The digital cameras have limited battery life and should be switched off between long down times on the set to insure their readiness when needed.
Fire on the sound stage
In case of fire on the stage, leave by the nearest EXIT.
Do not attempt to extinguish a fire larger than the size of a waste paper can.
Call 911.
If the stage is filled with smoke get down on the floor where there will be air.
Crawl to EXIT.
NEVER return to the stage until given the all clear from the Fire Department!
Week One Quiz Answers
Practice Quiz: Week One Class Material
- What protective clothing is required when working on Lloyd Stage? Wear clothing that covers all parts of your body, no cut offs or open toe shoes. Buy safety glasses and leather gloves.
- When are you allowed to go up on the catwalk? Only with the instructors permission.
- What are the restrictions on using the large stage door on Lloyd Stage? Only when the instructor is present!
- When can cables be connected and disconnected to the power source? When not under load, (when lamp is turned off).
- If an emergency arises on Lloyd Stage, use the telephone to dial 9-911.
- Do not attempt to extinguish any fire larger than waste paper basket size.
- Keep cables dressed and uncoiled when in use.
- Do not use the wall outlets on the stage for stage lighting instruments.
- In case of fire:
In case of fire evacuate the stage.
- If smoke is present on the stage and you can not see the exits you must ...
If smoke is present get down on floor and crawl to lighted exits.
- Use the “Buddy System” when utilizing ladders or raising or lowering light stands.
- For maximum eye protection purchase safety goggles.
- To protect hands when working with hot lights and sets purchase leather gloves.
- Name one pioneer special effects supervisor any one mentioned in the DVD presentation.
- Give an example of a Pyrotechnic special effect any example shown in the DVD presentation.
- Describe any miniature demonstrated in the DVD presentation, several were mentioned, describe any of the examples.
- Give an example of stop-motion animation as explained in the DVD presentation. King Kong.
- What “in-the-camera effect” was mentioned in the DVD presentation? Several were mentioned, site any.
- What is the title of the film credited with being the “first effect motion picture”? Check your notes, this is an easy one.
- What is a script treatment? A brief description of the script idea. Could include characters, locations and plot points.