Friday, January 15, 2010

Week One

Welcome everyone to the Intro To Special Effects in Cinema class! Great turn out. From the looks of things we have a very diverse crew. Just about every production experience level is enrolled for this semester. If your background thus far does not include production experience and would like a starter textbook to get you up to speed on production techniques I recommend "The Bare Bones Camera Course for Film and Video" by Tom Schroeppel. You should be able to get this from the campus bookstore. If not you could try Larry Edmunds Book Store in Hollywood (ISBN 0-9603718-1-8). And remember to sign up for the "before class" workshops in cinematography for those who want to review the basics. Starting Week three at 6:00 P.M. on Lloyd stage. Bring your gear and questions.

If you were not in attendance for the “Lloyd Stage Safety Check-out” you will need to meet with me and arrange the check out prior to working on the stage.

Things to remember from the Safety Check Out:

Wear protective clothing when working on the stage. No cutoffs or open toe shoes permitted.

Do not go on to the catwalk without Instructors permission.

Do not operate the large door without Instructor present.

Do not plug in or remove plugs from outlets when cable is under load (turned on).

If an emergency arises use the telephone on the wall to dial 9-911.

In case of fire evacuate the stage. If smoke is present get down on floor and crawl to lighted exits.

Do not attempt to extinguish any fire larger than waste can size.

Keep cables dressed and uncoiled when in use.

Return everything to its home position when finished.

Do not use the wall plugs on the stage for equipment.

Use the buddy system when utilizing ladders or raising or lowering light stands.

Purchase safety goggles and leather gloves for use on the sets.

Return all sets to the set bins when finished.


In this first meeting you were introduced to several of the “legends in special effects” and some of the bodies of their works. The history of special effects including some milestone in effects production techniques was covered. Various techniques, including, In-the-camera effects, Mattes, Stop motion animation, Rear projection, Miniatures, Make-up effects, Atmosphere effects and Pyrotechnic Effects were introduced and examples were noted in the DVD presentation. Safety was paramount in the production of these effects. Costs and time and equipment were also considerations discussed by the speakers on screen.

The assignment for next meeting, create a treatment of at least one paragraph in length containing five or more special effects to overcome some production problem.

Thanks for the good turn out and the positive attitude.

Special Effects Stunts - Fight - Hair Pull

Fight scene with hair pull and physical contact. Actor being pulled dictates the blocking moves. The actor pulling the hair simply follows the victim of the hair pull around on the set pretending to assault the acting partner.

Breakaway prop - Whiskey Bottle

Breakaway glass props come in clear and green and red and various colors to simulate and/or match on-set props. The breakaway glass is manufactured from resin. At one time the film industry manufactured breakaway glass from sugar. That is where it gets its nickname of sugar glass. Bottle have a hard base surface and will inflict pain upon the actor if struck by this portion of the breakaway prop. Care must be taken to prevent this. The actors musts be rehearsed and a signal worked out between the actors to announce the strike is coming. Never strike in the face. Always protect the actors and crew member from flying glass shards. Even though this material is not glass, sharp shards and splinters are created when the glass prop is broken. Back lighting works best when capturing the breaking glass particles on camera.

Breakaway Props - Water Glass

Clear water glass used to strike actress on back of head. Care being taken to keep hard solid areas of the water glass from striking the actress directly.

A&B Blood Effect - Prep the Actor

Place one side of the solution on the skin of the actor. Place the remaining side of the solution into the pipette on the knife handle. When the knife blade comes into contact with the actor's skin squeeze the solution onto the flesh of the actor. The mixing of the A&B solutions will create the effect of fresh drawn blood.

A&B Blood EFX Shot

A&B Blood knife effect.

Practice Quiz Week One

Practice Quiz: Week One Class Material

  1. What protective clothing is required when working on Lloyd Stage?
  2. When are you allowed to go up on the catwalk?
  3. What are the restrictions on using the large stage door on Lloyd Stage?
  4. When can cables be connected and disconnected to the power source?
  5. If an emergency arises on Lloyd Stage, use the telephone to dial ____________?
  6. Do not attempt to extinguish any fire larger than _________________________?
  7. Keep cables _________and ____________________ when in use.
  8. Do not use the wall outlets on the stage for __________________.
  9. In case of fire _________________the stage area.
  10. If smoke is present on the stage and you can not see the exits you must


  1. Use the “Buddy System” when utilizing ___________or raising or lowering light stands.
  2. For maximum eye protection purchase _______________________?
  3. To protect hands when working with hot lights and sets purchase __________________.
  4. Name one pioneer special effects supervisor __________________________________.
  5. Give an example of a Pyrotechnic special effect _______________________________.
  6. Describe any miniature demonstrated in the DVD presentation____________________.
  7. Give an example of stop-motion animation as explained in the DVD presentation.
  8. What “in-the-camera effect” was mentioned in the DVD presentation?
  9. What is the title of the film credited with being the “first effect motion picture”?
  10. What is a script treatment?

